London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Feltham 1945

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Feltham]

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This position, was not considered at all satisfactory, but
in the circumstances was unavoidable.
The shortage of sanitary dustbins gave rise to the
development of many nuisances from the accumulations
of household refuse. Every effort was made to remedy
this position, but considerable delay was inevitable in
many cases.
Rodent destruction, in accordance with the methods
advocated by the Ministry of Food was energetically carried
out. The sewerage system was tested and found
to be free from infestation, and the refuse tip was successfully
treated. Complaints from the public decreased
considerably towards the end of the year.
The nomad caravan dwellers who pull on to grass
verges or private land without any arrangements for
sanitation or water supply, continued to present a difficult
The meat distributing depot at Bedfont was visited
regularly and I am glad to record that cordial relations
existed between the depot management and the department,
due to our mutual desire to stop the distribution
of unsound meat, but at the same time to prevent unnecessary
Action was taken which resulted in the closing of
an establishment bottling vinegar under unsatisfactory
Sixty-five samples were taken of graded milks which
mostly proved to be satisfactory. The tuberculin tested
milk retailed by one dairy company however, gave rise
to considerable concern and in this connection I had the
valuable co-operation of the Agricultural Organiser of
the Berkshire County Council who arranged for a series
of samples to be taken which were co-ordinated with
samples taken in this district. The difficulty was eventually
surmounted by the installation of pasteurisation
In concluding I should like to thank you, Sir, for
the consideration you have shown me, and the members
of the staff for their support in carrying out the work of
the department.