London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Richmond upon Thames 1956

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Richmond]

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shop premises which was started at the end of 1955, and the attention
of occupiers was drawn to the following contraventions of the Act:—
(1) Failure to exhibit necessary forms 26
(2) Lack of satisfactory ventilation —
(3) Lack of satisfactory heating 4
(4) Lack of satisfactory lighting —
(5) Lack of suitable handwashing facilities 1
(6) Lack of suitable sanitary accommodation —
Advice is given, from time to time, on the employment of young
assistants, hours of closing, and other welfare provisions of the Act,
and in no instance was it necessary to resort to legal proceedings to
enforce these statutory requirements.
ACT, 1951.
This Act came into force on the 1st November, 1951 and briefly
its provisions call for the registration of all premises in which Rag
Flock or other filling materials, as defined in Section 33 of the Act
(i.e.: Kapok; Woollenfelt; Cotton flock, etc.) are used, in the
manufacture of bedding, toys, babycarriages and other articles of
The Act also calls for the licensing of premises where Rag Flock
is (a) Manufactured; (b) Stored for distribution to registered premises
but no premises coming within this definition are situated within
the Borough.
Only one factory in the Borough has been registered, and no
infringement of the provisions of the Act was observed.
This Act came into force on the 1st April, 1952 and is designed
to secure for Pet Animals kept in shops, for sale to the Public, suitable
accommodation as regards size, temperature, lighting, ventilation and
cleanliness; adequate supplies of food and drinking water; prevention
of sale at too early an age; precautions to prevent the spread of
infectious diseases amongst the animals and precautions to be taken
in case of fire or other emergency.