London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Richmond upon Thames 1955

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Richmond]

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As to the future, work has commenced on the erection of 8 onebedroomed
flats at Stuart Road, 4 one-bedroomed flats at Chaucer
Avenue and 2 one-bedroomed flats at Raleigh Road.
Moveable Dwellings.
An owner of land within the Borough, holds a licence, renewable
annually, permitting him to stand one caravan on the land.
Satisfactory provision is made for the disposal of household
refuse, use of sanitary conveniences and main water supply.
Housing Act 1936 : Unfit Houses.
No properties were represented during the year for inclusion
in Clearance Areas, but the return to the Ministry of Housing and
Local Government required under Part I of the Housing Repairs and
Rents Act 1954 was submitted showing the Local Authority's proposal
to deal with 137 houses which are unfit for human habitation.
Of this total it is proposed that 126 will be included in Clearance
Areas while the remainder will be subject to individual Demolition
Housing Repairs and Rents Act, 1954.
Part II of the Housing Repairs and Rents Act 1954, allows a
repair increase" of the rents of controlled houses, given certain
conditions, and under Section 26, power is given to the local authority
to grant certificates of disrepair if a house is not in good repair or is
unsuitable for occupation having regard to the standard laid down
in the Act. The granting of a certificate of disrepair by the local
authority must be preceded by an application from the tenant after
the landlord has claimed a repairs increase in rent.
The following tables show the action taken under this part of
the Act during the year :—
Certificates of Disrepair.
Applications received 29
Applications refused 3
Certificates granted 26
Revocation Certificates (granted on completion of necessary
Applications received 25
Applications refused Nil.
Certificates granted 25