London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Richmond upon Thames 1947

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Richmond]

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On Behalf of Children
Children placed apart from their mothers:—
By adoption 10 cases
In Church homes 2 „
With foster-mothers 2 „
As recorded in the section on Vital Statistics the number of
illegitimate infants born to women resident in Richmond was 57
compared with 54 in 1946. When the increased population and
birth rate are taken into account it is seen that the situation is much
as it was in 1946.
Miss Oliver has had an active year and has been able to carry
out a great deal of most helpful work. Richmond Borough Council
helped numerous girls during the year by paying the cost of their
maintenance in residential homes and hostels.
The Surrey County Council have registered eight Nursing
44, Onslow Road, General Medical and Maternity
25, West Park Road, „ „
86, Mount Ararat Road, General Medical
22, Cardigan Road, „
19, Grena Road, „
18, Mortlake Road, „
108, Church Road, „
Beaconsfield, Kew Green, Maternity only
All these Homes have been visited during the year.