London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Chingford 1956

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Chingford]

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(b) Number of inspections made for the purpose 1271
(2) (a) Number of dwellinghouses (included under
sub-head (l) above) which were inspected
and recorded under the Housing
Consolidated Regulations 1925 and 1932. 27
(b) Number of inspections made for the purpose 105
(3) Number of dwellinghouses found to be in a
state so dangerous or injurious to health
as to be unfit for human habitation. 8
(4) Number of dwellinghouses (exclusive of
those referred to under the preceding
sub-head) found not to be in all respects
reasonably fit for human habitation. 70 :X:
:X: Note: This figure includes all houses where defects
were found, including those Which were inspected
and recorded under the Housing Act, 1936.
3. Remedy of Defects during the year without service of Formal
Number of defective dwellinghouses rendered fit in
consequence of informal action by the Local Authority
or their officers. 44
4. Action under Statutory Powers during the year:
A. Proceedings under Sections 9, 10 and 16
of the Housing Act, 1936.
(1) Number of dwellinghouses in respect of
Which notices were served requiring repairs 30
(2) Number of dwellinghouses which were
rendered fit after service of formal notices 29
B. Proceedings under Section 11 and 13 of the
Housing Act, 1936.
(1) Number of Demolition Orders served 6
(2) Number of Closing Orders served 2
C. Proceedings under Public Health Acts:
(1) Number of dwellinghouses in respect of
which notices were served requiring defects
to be remedied 13
(2) Number of dwellinghouses in which defects were
remedied after service of formal notices 13