London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Twickenham 1939

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Twickenham]

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for the year 1939.
Area in acres 7,007
Population (as extended-census 1931) 79,376
Population-estimated to mid-year,1939(a)98,580
(as supplied by the Registrar General) (b) 97,440
Number of inhabited houses(1939) 28,994
Rateable Value (31st December 1939) £1,033,397
Sum represented by a penny rate £3860-13s-ld
Total M F
Live births:(a) Legitimate 1340 683 657
Illegitimate 63 34 29
(c) Legitimate 1337 682 655
Illegitimate 63 34 29
Birth rate per 1,000 of estimated resident population 14.2
Total M F
Still births: Legitimate 52 27 25
Illegitimate 3 2 1
Still birth rate per 1,000 total
(live and still)births 37.7
Total M F
Deaths: 1020 523 497
Crude death rate per 1,000 of estimated
resident population 10.46
Adjusted death rate 10.35
Deaths from puerperal causes:
Puerperal sepsis Nil
Other puerperal causes 4
Rate per 1,000 total (live and still) births 2.7
Death rate of infants under one year of age:-
All infants per 1,000 live births 26.4
Legitimate infants per 1,000 leg. live births 25.4
Illegitimate infants per 1,000 illeg. live births 47.6
Deaths from: Cancer (all ages) 152
Measles (all ages) 1
Whooping cough.(all ages) 7
Diarrhoea (under 2 years of age) 2
(a) For calculation of Birth Rate.
(b) " " " Death Rate.
(c) " " "Infantile and maternal
Mortality Rates.