London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Barnes 1917

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Barnes]

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18 Hospital Administration.
Bacteriological Laboratory, Coroner's Court and Mortuary, and a
Disinfecting Apparatus.
The Staff consists of the Matron,* 2 Sisters, 1 assistant
nurse, 4 probationers, Domestic and Laundry Staff, Ward Maids,
Porter and Portress, Assistant Porter, and a Gardener.
There is accommodation for fifty patients in all.
Scarlet Fever.—Ten cases were carried over from 1916.
35 cases were admitted in 1917 with no deaths. There were two
doubtful cases.
Diphtheria.—Only 27 cases were admitted, some of whom
were "carriers" only. There was only one death during the year.
This case was dying on admission.
Enteric Pever (Typhoid).—Only one case was admitted,
which recovered.
Cerebro-Spinal Fever.—One case admitted, death ensued in
11 weeks.
Two cases of Scarlet Fever had Chicken Pox as well on
One case of Diphtheria had Scarlet Fever as well on admission.
Five cases of Measles were admitted: one complicated by
Whooping Cough on admission.
One case of Whooping Cough was admitted from the West
London Hospital.
A new ward to accommodate 6 male and 6 female patients
was opened at the same time as the dispensary. In addition to
the ward cubicles, 5 patients can be accommodated in shelters.
The patients for the most part were in an advanced state of
the disease when admitted, but some improved sufficiently to
recommend them for further treatment in a sanatorium. The
results for the year are as follows:—
Patients admitted toward or shelter 64
„ sent on to a sanatorium 13
„ died in hospital 12
„ known to have died since discharge 6
*Miss Webb was appointed Matron in April, 1917, vice Miss Woods, resigned.