London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wanstead and Woodford 1957

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wanstead and Woodford]

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Meat Inspection.
Previous reports have mentioned the considerable amount of work
involved in meat inspection at a wholesale meat depot within the
Borough. During the latter part of 1957, following an arrangement
with the Port of London Authority, a large number of frozen carcases
which had been on board a ship damaged in transit were released
to this depot. The inspection of the many thousands of carcases
placed a severe strain on the inspectorial staff, but the condemnation
figures reflect the need and importance of the attention devoted to this
The quantity of meat and tinned foods handled by this depot is
increasing and should this trend continue, in order that proper supervision
can be exercised, consideration will have to be given to additional
staff for this purpose.
Works in Default
In one case only was work executed because of default on the
part of the owner. This case was referred to in the report for 1956
when it was recorded that a tender had been accepted by the Public
Health Committee. Work was executed by the contractor early in
Works executed by the Local Authority
Reconstruction of four drainage systems was carried out involving
17 premises. Work was carried out by contractors engaged by the
local authority.
In one case the contractor by agreement with the owners executed
the work by using the new pitch-fibre pipes instead of the conventional
glazed ware pipes. These pipes can be obtained in 6' or 8'
length and enable contractors to reduce the cost of the work. When
firms become accustomed to this type of piping there is no reason
why there should not be a considerable saving over the usual glazed
ware pipes.
Tenders were sent out for two other systems of drainage which
were in need of reconstruction—one being a very old system comprising
partly of a square culvert made with slates and stone slabs.
Five inspection chamber covers were fitted on sewers without
charge to the owners of the properties served by the run of pipes.
In all other cases referred to above the cost of the work was recovered
from the owners.
Clean Air
The measurement of smoke and sulphur dioxide by a daily volumetric
apparatus at the Municipal Offices has continued this year.