London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wanstead and Woodford 1951

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wanstead and Woodford]

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Bag Flock and Other Filling Materials Act, 1951
This Act, reported upon under New Legislation, did not involve this
Department in much additional work, for up to the end of the year the
number of premises registered was one.
Slaughter of Animals Act, 1933
One licence was issued during the year, that being issued to the local
Inspector of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
The Milk and Dairies Regulations, 1949
Because it was noted that crates of bottles filled with milk were being
deposited on the grass verges of several roads, a report was made to the
Public Health Committee, as an infringement of the Regulations had been
The Committee took a serious view of the offence, but because it was a
first offence they decided to give a warning to the firm concerned. The
practice ceased, for at that time the firm were taking delivery of large electric
trucks for retail delivery.
Petroleum (Regulation) Acts, 1928 and 1936
Fifty-two licences were renewed at the beginning of the year, and four
new licences were granted.
Game Licences
Thirteen licences to deal in Game were renewed and one new licence
was granted.
The Milk (Special Designations) (Pasteurised and Sterilised Milk)
Regulations, 1949, and Raw Milk Regulations
The following licences were issued:—
Dealers Licences
Pasteurised 11 Sterilised 12 Tuberculin Tested 11
Supplementary Licences
Pasteurised 8 Sterilised 8 Tuberculin Tested 8
Shops Act, 1934
103 visits were made under this Act, and one Notice was served.
Essex County Council Act, 1933,
Massage and Special Treatment Establishments
As in previous years, the Sanitary Inspectors carried out the usual
routine inspections to these premises. They were all found to be quite
satisfactory. Ten visits were made during the year.