London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Chigwell 1965

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Chigwell]

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The County Council has three Health Centres serving the District,
as follows:-
Essex County Council Clinic, Buckhurst Way.
Tel: Buckhurst 5180.
Essex County Health Services Clinic, Loughton Hall, Rectory Lane.
Tel: Loughton 6295.
Essex County Health Services Clinic, The Drive.
Tel: Loughton 5776.
At each of these centres there are clinic sessions for expectant
mothers, infant welfare, school children etc., and details of these may be
had on application to the centre. Each centre has two or more health
visitors or school nurses who call upon mothers in their own homes in
addition to giving advice at the centres.
In addition to the above, infant welfare centres are also held at
the following:-
St. Winifred's Hall, Manor Road.
The Manse, Chigwell Row.
Roding Road Church Hall.
The following extracts from the Annual Report of the School
Medical Officer for the Forest Division are of interest:-
"The formation of this Division took place on the 1st April.
1965 as a consequence of the Greater London Reorganisation and
represents a merger of parts of two existing County Areas namely
the Forest and Mid-Essex Divisions. It has a total population
of 169,150 and a school population of 22,000. The Division
includes Saffron Walden Borough and the following Districts:-
Chigwell Urban, Epping Urban, Waltham Holy Cross Urban,
Dunmow Rural, Epping and Ongar Rural and Saffron Walden Rural.