London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Chigwell 1946

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Chigwell]

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Statistics and Social Conditions of the Area.
Area (in acres) 8,970
(14 sq. miles approx.)
Population 28,190
Number of inhabited houses 7,947
Rateable value £249,205
Sum represented by a penny rate £996
The rate in the pound for 1946/47 is 15s. 2d.
Development is proceeding on extensive L.C.C. Estates
at Chigwell (Hainault estate) and Loughton (Oakwood
estate) and in lesser degree on the Council's Roding Valley
Housing Estate (permanent) and four temporary bungalow
sites. The Greater London Plan, however, makes extensive
reservations for a regional and local green belt and the
eventual population of the district will be about 55,000. An
approach to this figure must be expected within a few years.
This development foreshadows big socials changes in the
district, and, for a time at least, the problems of providing
schools, child welfare centres and clinics for the new population
are likely to be acute.
Existing clinics in Loughton and Chigwell are already
overcrowded and resort will probably have to be made to
temporary buildings on the new estates themselves.
An area for selected Light Industry has been allowed
adjoining the L.C.C. Loughton housing estate and similar
provision, but in a neighbouring borough, is envisaged
adjoining the L.C.C. Hainault Estate.
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