London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Heston and Isleworth 1931

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Heston and Isleworth]

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(c). Tuberculosis.
One child examined during routine medical inspection was
marked for observation as a case of suspected pulmonary tuberculosis,
and one as a case of tuberculosis of the skin.
Special inspections reveled 3 cases of suspected pulmonary
tuberculosis, and one case of tubercular hip.
(d). Skin disease.
A total of 409 cases of various skin diseases were reported
during the year, and, with the exception of one case, all were referred
for treatment. As usual, impetigo was the commonest disease,
accounting for more than half of this year's total. Table II. shows
that there were 139 cases of " Other skin diseases." These include
such conditions as eczema, alopecia, seborrhoea, etc.
(«). External Eye Disease.
Twenty cases of minor disease of the eye, including 8 cases
of blepharitis and 3 of conjunctivitis, were discovered at routine
medical inspections.
In addition, 129 cases, including 28 of blepharitis and 41 of
conjunctivitis, were discovered at the Special Clinics.
(/). Defective Vision and Squint.
Routine medical inspections revealed 207 cases of defective
vision, 167 being referred for treatment. Sixteen cases of squint
were also discovered, 14 being referred for treatment.
At the Special Clinics, 111 cases of defective vision and 16 of
squint were referred for treatment.
{g). Ear Disease and Hearing.
Amongst children examined at the routine medical inspections,
68 cases of defective hearing were found, 44 of these being referred
for treatment. Nine cases of ear disease were also discovered,
6 being referred for treatment.
Special examinations at the Climes account for 45 cases of
defective hearing; and 131 cases of ear disease.
(h). Dental Defects.
Three hundred and seventy-five cases of dental caries were discovered
at routine medical inspection, and a further 95 cases were
found by examination at the Special Clinics.