London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Heston and Isleworth 1930

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Heston and Isleworth]

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Adoptive Acts in force in the District.
*Infectious Diseases (Prevention) Act, 1890.
*Public Health Acts Amendment Act, 1890, Part III.
*Public Health Acts Amendment Act, 1907, Parts II., *111.,
*IV., *V., VI. and VIII.
*Public Health Act, 1925, Parts *11., *111., *IV. and *V. were
adopted in November, 1925.
Maternity and Clhild Welfare Act, 1918.
Baths and Wash-houses Act, 1846-82.
Burial Acts, 1852-85. (Applicable to parts of the district only).
Public Libraries Act, 1892.
Private Street Works Act, 1892.
Small Dwellings Acquisition Acts, 1899-1923.
Local Government & Other Officers' Superannuation Act, 1922.
Bye-Laws in force in District.
*Common Lodging Houses (P.H.A. 1875, s. 80).
*Cleansing, etc. and Removal of Refuse (P.H.A., 1875, s. 44).
*Houses Let in Lodgings (P.H.A. 1875, s. 90).
*Tents, Vans, Sheds, etc. (H.W.C.A. 1885, s. 9 (2).
*Slaughter Houses (P.H.A. 1875, s. 169, and T.I.C.A., 1847,
s. 128).
*Prevention of Nuisances (P.H.A. 1875, s. 44).
*Keeping of Animals (P.H.A. 1875, s. 44).
*Removal of Offensive Matters (P.H.A.A.A. 1890, s. 26).
New Streets and Buildings (P.H.A. 1875, s. 157, & P.H.,A.A.A.
1890, s. 23).
Pleasure Grounds (P.H.A. 1875, s. 164).
*Fislh Frying (P.H.A. 1875, s. 113).
*Emission of Smoke (P.H.(S.A.)A. 1926, s. 2).
Regulations made by Local Authority in force in District.
Allotments (A.A. 1887, s. 6). Allotment Regulations, 1922.
*These are administered wholly or partly by the Health Committee.
The unstarred are administered by other Committees of the Council.