London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Heston and Isleworth 1925

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Heston and Isleworth]

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The question of Tuberculosis as far as this district is concerned
is still unsatisfactory, in that of 29 cases dying last year from
tuberculosis, ten were not notified at all. It is still unsatisfactory
in that as I have pointed out before, there is some reluctance to
send in repeated specimens of sputum for examination. It is the
rarest thing for us to receive more than one specimen from any
doubtful case. Also, a number of the cases which come home from
Sanatoria have to come to conditions which are entirely prejudicial
to the maintenance of their improvement.
There is a definite need for an open air recovery school which
will deal with convalescent, tubercular, pre-tubercular, and delicate
children. I am convinced that money spent in this direction is
money wisely expended.
Pulmonary Tuberculosis.
The number of new cases notified during the year was 52.
Twenty-four cases (or 46 per cent.) were notified from Institutions
: —
Sanatoria 2, Poor Law Institutions 8, General Hospitals 9,
Mental Hospitals 2, T.B. Dispensary 3.
Naval and Military cases 0.
Total number of cases admitted to Sanatoria, etc., 47.
Of the new cases notified 37 received Institutional Treatment
during the year and 10 died in Institutions.
Other Forms of Tuberculosis.
The number of new cases notified during the year was 13.
Eleven of them were notified as receiving Institutional Treatment.
Ten cases were notified from Institutions,