London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Heston and Isleworth 1922

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Heston and Isleworth]

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Neither the Education Anthority nor the Sanitary Authority
possesses a cleansing station. This matter has been brought to the
notice of the Education Committee on many occasions. Where
application is made, the Health Department undertakes the
spraying of rooms for the removal of bed bugs, and bedding and
clothing generally can be disinfected by steam at Mogden Isolation
The Inspection of Midwives is under the supervision of the
County Council. It is, however, generally recognised that the
authority administering a Maternity and Child Welfare Scheme
should also exercise control over the Midwives practising in its area.
In this district it is the practice of the Health Visitors not
to visit the newly-born till 14 days after the birth, in order not to
interfere with the Midwife.
Considerable trouble has been experienced with regard to the
delayed notifications of births by certain midwives. In one case
the matter was reported to the Committee after a warning had
produced no improvement. An official warning from the Committee
was sent, intimating a further breach of the Act would be followed
by prosecution. A further contravention occurring, the Council
in November authorised proceedings to be taken against the
Proceedings at the same time were authorised against the
Council's late midwife for similar breaches of the Act. In this
case no previous warning by the Committee had been issued as
owing to the fact that the midwife had been the Council's officer,
her knowledge of the details of the Act were intimate.
In view of the number of qualified midwives practising in the
district, it was decided that it was unnecessary to retain the services
of the Council Midwife, and her engagement terminated at the end
of June. During the six months she attended 29 confinements and
made 411 Ante Natal and 375 Post Natal visits.
According to the County Medical Officer's last list, there are
16 midwives practising in the district.