London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Heston and Isleworth 1920

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Heston and Isleworth]

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Summary of work by the Health Visitors during 1920.
489 attendances at School Clinics.
123 visits to schools for medical inspections.
15 „ „ „ dental inspections.
32 „ „ „ cleansing surveys.
2413 „ homes in connection with following-up.
970 „ homes in connection with infectious diseases.
Defects discovered at medical inspection are reporled to the
parents, who may elect to obtain treatment either privately or
through a hospital, or in certain instances may avail themselves
of the facilities afforded by the School Clinics. Visual and dental
defects, X-ray treatment of Ringworm, and the treatment of Minor
Ailments are now undertaken by the Education Authority, whilst
the operative treatment of Tonsils and Adenoids is by arrangement
carried out at the local hospitals.
Ringworm of the Scalp.—Out of 50 cases referred for treatment
46 were successfully treated by the application of X-rays at the
X-ray Clinic, 4 refusing this form of treatment.
Ringworm of Body.—35 cases were successfully treated at the
School Clinics. 385 children were treated at the School Clinics
for other skin diseases, including 46 cases of Scabies and 248 cases
of Impetigo.
Ear Disease and Hearing.
At the School Clinics, 34 cases of Ear Disease or Defective
Hearing were seen and treated.
Eye Disease.
34 cases of Eye Disease have been treated at the School Clinics.
These have been chiefly Conjunctivitis, Blepharitis, with some
Phylctenular and Corneal Ulcers, and suppurative conditions of the