London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Heston and Isleworth 1920

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Heston and Isleworth]

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At the special clinics there were 471 children suffering from
various skin complaints, including scabies and impetigo, (see Table
II. for analysis of figures), 52 cases of ringworm of scalp and 44
cases of ringworm of body.
External Eye Disease.
Out of 1,969 children examined at the routine inspections,
53 were found to have minor eye diseases including blepharitis
and conjunctivitis, whilst 16 had a squint.
In addition 51 were found at the special clinic to suffer from
the "minor" eye diseases, and 7 had squint.
Out of 1,969 children examined at the routine inspections,
195 were found to have defective vision, 125 of which were
referred for treatment, 70 being kept under observation.
At the special clinics 78 children were referred for treatment
for defective vision.
Ear Disease and Hearing.
Out of 1,969 children examined at the routine inspections
74 were found to be suffering from defective hearing or ear
disease, whilst an additional 50 were discovered at the special
Dental Defects.
Out of 1,969 children examined at the routine inspectious,
643 had carious teeth and were referred for treatment, whilst 676
had slighter caries and were marked for observation. Two-thirds
of the children thus examined had carious teeth.
At the special clinics a further 86 were discovered and referred
for treatment.
At the routine deutal inspections 1,378 children were referred
for treatment out of 2,075 inspected (for further particulars see
Table IV. D (1) & (2).