London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wimbledon 1926

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wimbledon]

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Complications:—9 cases developed signs of paralysis (3
ocular, 4 nasal, and 2 of lower extremities).
Erysipelas:—6 cases were admitted; 2 deaths (both in
elderly patients) occurred from hypostatic pneumonia and
heart failure.
Measles :—4 cases, all complicated by pneumonia, were
admitted. One child, aged 1 year and 10 months, died of
double pneumonia.
Enteric Fever:—3 cases were admitted. One, aged 54,
died of exhaustion—a true enteric. The other 2 were Paratyphoid
B. in type.
Chickenpox and Mumps:—1 case of each was admitted
from other hospitals for isolation purpose—(1 from the Atkinson
Morley Convalescent Home and the other from the
Belgrave Hospital).
Cerebro Spinal Fever:—1 case of the htemorrhagic type
died at the end of the third week.
Staff:-1 nurse suffered from idiopathic erysipelas. 2
of tonsillitis, and 1 of pneumonia, made good recoveries.