London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Walthamstow 1963

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Walthamstow]

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Home Visits and Clinics attended

Tuberculosis VisitorsHealth Visitors
Total of tuberculous households at end of year1,026-
Visits to tuberculous households during the year (excluding non access visits)1,20514
Attendance at Chest Clinic sessions during the year677-

Extra Nourishment

Number of cases during year supplied with free milk89
Total number being supplied free milk at end of year68
Number of cases receiving rehabilitation treatment for whom financial responsibility acceptedNil
Loan of Sick Room Equipment
Number of articles on loan at end of year which had been on loan for.
(a) under 1 year96
(b) 1 and under 2 years75
(c) 2 and under 3 years77
(d) 5 years and over11
Convalescence for Adults
Number of applications during year68
Length of stay:
Two days1
One week3
Two weeks35
Three weeks4

Of the 68 applications received, recuperative holidays were
arranged and accepted by 43 of the patients.