London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Walthamstow 1962

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Walthamstow]

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The following table shows the services provided during the past five years: -

Approximate number of meals served weekly400460660668689
Number of people receiving meals21,157 24,415 34,33434,87734,752
New Meals on Wheels cases occurring8081112180164
Number of vehicles involved66788
To whom the vehicles belongPrivate hire
Number of paid assistants22222
Number of voluntary assistants (on average)6065607068
Number of Social workers for the elderly65654
Number of visits annually160150140280250

Laundry Service for the Incontinent
This service continues for the assistance of those elderly
persons where relatives are unable to cope with soiled linen. In
December 1961. the Borough Council agreed to undertake the service
for two neighbouring authorities on a financial cost basis.
The following table shows the number of cases dealt with during
1962: -
Total number of persons - Walthamstow 28
Total number of persons - Woodford 10
Total number of persons - Chingford 1
Average number of cases per week 17
Total number of articles laundered 12,985
Average number of articles per week 250
Total number of journeys 1,391
Health and Welfare of the Elderly
A pilot survey of the elderly in Walthamstow (described in the
1961 Report) disclosed a need for more case finding, informed advice,
help and observation than was being provided by the Health Visitors
or by voluntary agencies. Accordingly, the Health Committee was
asked to approve the employment of the Department's Infectious
Diseases Nurse on this work during any periods when she could be
spared from her normal duties. This the members were pleased to
authorise and when the post became vacant the newly appointed nurse,
Mrs. D.L. Wood S.R.N. , Q.D.N,, was directed to visit all cases
brought to her notice to assess their needs and procure whatever
assistance could be provided. In this she was greatly aided by the
Superintendent and District Health Visitors and by the Secretary of
the Old People"s Welfare Association.