London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Walthamstow 1959

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Walthamstow]

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realisation of their part in the wider field of epidemiological
control. We have reason to be grateful to the present and very
experienced generation of chest physicians for their unfailing
awareness of the importance of prevention and for their unstinting
co-operation with the Health Department.
The B.C.G. Scheme for the protection of thirteen year old
school-children was extended this year to include all students
above this age. This has entailed a great extension of our work
and is another indication that although the incidence of tuberculosis
is diminishing, our efforts at prevention are not. In
fact there must be ever increasing vigilance.
CO OPERATION. The National Health Service Act created a
tripartite division of Health Services, viz. Hospital, General
Practitioner and Local Health Authority Services. It was therefore
inevitable that the three sections would tend to develop
and progress in isolation at a time when for the good of the
patient and efficiency of the Service, close co-operation was
called for.
Nowhere is this co-operation more vital than in midwifery,
where all three Services have responsibilities. A Maternity
Services Committee was set up by the Minister to consider the
whole question of obstetric practice in this country, and one of
its recommendations was the creation of Obstetric Liaison Committees
at local level, centred around Hospital Management Committee
areas. Such a committee was formed this year covering the
Forest Hospital Management Group Area with professional representation
from all three sections. Its function is "to ensure that
the local provisions for maternity care in the area whether provided
by the Hospitals, the Local Health Authority or General
Practitioner Obstetricians, are used to the best advantage".
Regular meetings are now taking place and have already proved of
considerable value in that they are maintaining closer co-operation
and a better understanding of each others problems, with
obvious benefit to the patient.
I wish to place on record my indebtedness to Members of the
Committee and all members of the Staff for their great help and
I have the honour to be,
Your obedient Servant,
Medical Officer of Health