London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Walthamstow 1955

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Walthamstow]

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On the credit side there was a new low record in infant
mortality, a full year's work in the distribution of welfare foods
with a total of over 137,000 "packages" distributed, an extension
of ante-natal relaxation classes, a large increase in the number of
services rendered by the District Midwives and Nurses, an extension
of tuberculosis case finding by means of the Odelca Miniature
Camera at the Chest Clinic, and finally, progress in B.C.G. vaccination
of school leavers.
It gives me great pleasure to commend again the good work of
the staff of the department and the consideration of the Committees
concerned and in particular of their Chairman, Alderman E. C.
Redhead, M.P., J.P.
Full co-operation has also been received from all the organisations
and agencies in the town charged in any way with the health
and well-being of the community and not least from the Family
Opportunity has been taken to take stock of the progress made
in the last quarter of the century and comparative tables follow in
regard to certain statistics for 1930 (the first full year of the Borough
incorporation) and 1955, and setting out the facilities and services
provided between these years.
I have the honour to be,
Your obedient Servant,
Medical Officer of Health.