London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Walthamstow 1954

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Walthamstow]

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"I was able to make one recording this year which is possibly
unique. A puberphonic patient read a passage from a book,
first in his original high pitched voice, and then in a fully developed
masculine voice: he did this without a pause.
"The number of junior and secondary school children newly
referred and who have had no speech therapy treatment whatsoever
is low. This, of course, is a most satisfactory reflection on the work
of preceeding years, i.e., in remedying speech defects before children
leave infant schools."

Annual Report and Clinical Analysis.

High St. ClinicOpen-Air Sch. Clinic
Number of cases in attendance at beginning of year6667
New cases admitted during the year4752
Transfers from other Clinics3
Cases ceasing attendance before cure or discharge49
Cases discharged improved and incapable of benefiting by further treatment85
Cases temporarily discharged before cure, to resume treatment later105
Cases discharged cured3138
Transfers to other Clinics1
Cases still in attendance at end of year6064
Total attendances during year1,5422,441
No. of Cases suffering from:—
1. Physiological or Psychological Defects:
(a) Stammer2925
(b) Clutter
2. Voice Defects: Rhinophonia68
3. Defects of Articulation:—
(a) Dysarthria4
(b) Dyslalia—Multiple4663
4. Language Defects (delayed speech)41
5. Probable mental deficiency1
6. Other types of defect2

(i) Convalescent Home Treatment.—126 children were sent
away for convalescence during 1954. There were 7 children remaining
in convalescent homes and hospital schools on December 31st,
(j) Tuberculosis.—The number of school children examined
for the first time during the year was 154 boys, 111 girls of whom
72 boys and 49 girls were referred by the school medical staff and
82 boys, 62 girls by private practioners. Forty-five boys and 24
girls were examined as contacts.
(k) Ultra Violet Light Treatment.—The total attendances for
treatment were 1,482.