London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Walthamstow 1949

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Walthamstow]

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"The supply of clothing to patients in sanatoria, which
for a time became quite a problem, should in the future be
considerably easier. Since the ruling by the Minister of
Health that the supply of clothing to in-patients should be the
responsibility of the hospital authorities, arrangements have
been made with the Secretaries of the hospitals concerned
for cases to be referred to them by the Secretary of the
"Other forms of assistance have been continued as previously
and in view of the demand for such items, two bedrests
and three air-cushions were purchased and are retained
at the clinic for the use of patients confined to bed at home.
"The following details give some indication of the number
of Walthamstow cases dealt with in 1949, but many others
requiring help were put in touch with organisations more suited
to their particular needs.
No. of cases assisted with milk 56
„ assisted with grocery 14
„ assisted with fares to visit patients in
hospital 3
„ assisted with convalescent holidays 2
„ provided with bedding 6
„ provided with clothing 4
„ loaned sick-room equipment 8
During the year the Area Sub-Committee accepted financial
responsibility in approved cases for patients undergoing rehabilitation
at Papworth and Preston Hall Settlements. There were three
cases at Papworth and one at Preston Hall. No charge is made
to the patient.
The total of cases sent away for recuperative convalescence
was 32. The length of convalescence was 2 weeks in 16 cases,
3 weeks in 12, and 4 weeks in 4 cases. Recovery of cost or partcost
is made.
Apart from stores of equipment which are only available to
certain sections of the community, there are two main depots for
sick-room equipment, one at the District Nurses' Home in Cansbrooke
Road, and the other at the British Red Cross Society
Headquarters in Forest Road. No shortage of equipment became
apparent during 1949.