London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Walthamstow 1934

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Walthamstow]

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(a) During the week November 5th to 10th a "Health Week"
was organised for the Council by the Central Council for Health
Previous to the actual Health Week some 20,000 leaflets (" Health
Week—What it Means ") had been given out in the schools, and
Health Week lectures had been given. In addition, a Health Week
poster Competition had been held, the winning efforts being
rewarded by the gift of prizes.
An Exhibition was arranged in the Baths Hall, which included
displays by the following exhibitors: British Social Hygiene
Council, the Cremation Society, the Dental Board of U.K., the
Eugenics Society, the Fruit Trades federation, Health and Cleanliness
Council, Institute of Hygiene, Kodak Ltd. (Medical Department),
Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, National Association
for the Prevention of Tuberculosis, National Council for Maternity
and Child Welfare, National Council for Mental Hygiene, National
Milk Publicity Council, National Smoke Abatement Society,
Wesleyan and General Assurance Society (Health Service Bureau).
Parties of school children numbering approximately 400 were conducted
round the stands on four mornings and were given short
talks at the various stands.
In addition, approximately 400 children from Junior Schools
attended at the display of health films in the Conway Hall on fourmornings.
The total number of children visiting the exhibition in organised
parties was approximately 3,200.
Children from Joseph Barrett Senior Boys and Girls, and from
St. Mary's Girls' Schools, presented a Health Play, "To the
Rescue," on five evenings and one afternoon. This feature was
undoubtedly the most successful single item of the whole week,
and drew crowded houses at each presentation. The players were
warmly congratulated by the authoress, who remarked that she
had never previously seen it presented so well.
The total number of persons attending the health play and the
evening film displays was 6,944—many of whom, of course, were
school children with their parents. Amongst the 13,330 persous
visiting the exhibition (apart from the conducted parties of school
children) a consideiable proportion was made up of school children
revisiting the exhibition with their parents.