Walthamstow 1934

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Walthamstow]

deaths due to puerperal sepsis and other puerperal causes.

Case No.Date of Death.Certified Cause of Death.Age.Ward.Circumstances.Pregnancy.Ante-Natal Care.Physical Condition.Date of Confinement or Abortion.Doctor called.Admission to Hospital.Remarks.
Prev.Duration of Present.Doctor.Midwife.Hospital. Septicaemia26J.Poor18 weeks-Subinv. following first confinement2.1.343.1.34Husband in regular work. Suggestion re drug taking. Refused to go to Hospital till 3.1.34. Septic retained products removed. Empyema right knee due Haemolytic Streptococcus.
(b) Miscarriage Fever31H.H.Comfortable-10 ,,Good13.3.3411.3.3411.3.34Unmarried. Instrumental removal of placenta. Thrombosis following abortion in Hospital. Reported to police as suspected illegal abortion. Septicaemia25J.Poor2TermYes-Atrophic Rhinitis and Pyorrhoea ..2.3.342.3.3414.3.34Husband in regular work. Forceps delivery 3rd day. Perineal tear. Pyrexia 4th March. Rigor 9th. Consultant called 13th'and Hospital removal advised. Pyaemia. Septicaemia. Incomplete abortion. Felo-de-se27Hi.Poor2½ monthsGood2.5.342.5.348.5.34Husband in regular work. Unaware wife pregnant on marriage. Self-induced abortion. Parametritis34H.H.Poor5TermYesFair1.3.34B.B.A.16.4.34Influenza month before delivery. Cough and Pyrexia before labour. Laparotomy May 11th.—Sub-total, Hysterectomy, then faecal fistula. Obstructed labour35Ho.PoorTermAsthma. Albumen9.7.346.7.346.7.34Unmarried mother of low mentality. Craniotomy. Adherent placenta. Asthma. Haemorrhage. Retained placenta32H.E.Comfortable-Post-matureYesYesGood11.7.3411.7.3411.7.34Labour induced for post-maturity. Adherent placenta, manual removal, instrumental delivery. shock. Instrumental delivery; difficult labour and retained placenta26J.Poor-YesGood3.9.342.9.34NilHusband in regular work. Instrumental delivery—retained placenta. Puerperal Eclampsia26H.E.PoorTermYesMalnourished10.11.3411.11.3410.11.34Husband in regular work. Adequate ante-natal care. No warning signs of any kind. Unavoidable death. Septicaemia40W.Poor9Post-matureYesHeart Disease16.11.3421.11.3421.11.34Husband in regular work. Advice of doctor re termination of pregnancy because of heart disease not accepted. Delay by midwife in calling in Medical aid. Septicaemia. Miscarriage29Ho.Poor4?---Malnourished23.11.3425.11.3427.11.34Much unemployment of husband. Milk from Council's Assisted Scheme for last 4 years. Evidence of induced abortion. Difficulty in obtaining patient's consent for removal to Hospital.