London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Ilford 1964

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Ilford]

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Smoking and Lung Cancer
Lecture and Survey in Schools
Dr. Taylor, Assistant County Medical Officer, reports as follows:-
"Work is proceeding on the lines as mentioned in previous
Annual Reports and the present survey, which is accompanied by
lectures to certain age groups involving the Mayfield and Fairlop
Schools, continues to follow a predetermined pattern.
At the moment it would be inappropriate to offer comment on
the eventual results of this undertaking, but in all probability a
truer indication will be evident as the work progresses into the
final stages."
Hygienic Conditions in Schools in the Division. — Mr. S. R. Daly,
Chief Public Health Inspector, reports as follows:—
"As has been customary for many years, the sanitary and
hygienic supervision of conditions in schools within the Borough of
Ilford has been continued and have been reported upon and this year
the sanitary circumstances in the schools are the same as previously
It is very necessary, in the light of modern conditions, that
the sanitary conveniences in the Borough Schools be considerably
improved. This can only be obtained by a complete re-organisation
of the system in our older schools in order that the future generation
may be enabled to take the necessary elementary precautions to
present the spread of infection which arises from the absence of a
knowledge of the rudimentary principles of hygiene, with particular
emphasis on personal washing facilities, the satisfactory use of the
sanitary conveniences, together with an early appreciation of the
need to obviate the reluctance to use either or both by unsatisfactory,
inconvenient and inaccessible facilities. Everyone agrees
with the principle, the obstacle is provision of finance.
Health Education ought to be inculcated in the mind of school
children at a reasonably early age. A Health Education Officer
might conceivably be permitted to enter our schools for this purpose
which has been specifically denied the Public Health Inspectors.
It would also improve the sanitary circumstances obtaining in
the Borough Schools if more finance were available for a speedy