London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Ilford 1963

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Ilford]

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CARE OF PREMATURE INFANTS.- Of the 2,040 live births
occurring in Ilford during 1963, 98 weighed 5% lbs. or less at birth; 13 of
these babies were born on the district and 85 in Hospital (including 10
where the home address of the parents was outside Ilford).
Of the 13 babies born at home:—
10 were nursed entirely at home;
3 were transferred to hospital;
2 died within 24 hours (both in hospital);
11 survived at the end of one month.
Of the 85 babies born in hospital:—
13 died during the first 24 hours (including 4 where the home
address was outside Ilford);
3 died between the ages of one day and one month;
69 survived at the end of one month (including 6 where the home
address was outside Ilford).
In addition, 45 notifications were received of births outside the
district where the ordinary residence of the parents was in Ilford and the
weight of the infant at birth was 5½ lb. or less. Of these there were:-
8 who died within the first 24 hours (in hospital);
1 who died aged 10 days (in hospital);
36 who survived at the end of one month.
INFANT MORTALITY.— The number of infants dying within the
first year of life was 56 the total number born being 2,751. The latter
figure is supplied by the Registrar-General for calculating infant and
maternal mortality rates. The infant mortality, or rate of deaths per 1,000
live births, was therefore 20.4.
The following table gives the deaths of infants under one year of
age, classified according to age:—