London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Ilford 1962

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Ilford]

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Establishments for Massage and Special Treatment. (Essex C.C.
Act, 1933, Part IV.) Inspections of licensed establishments are
carried out quarterly. During 1962, two new applications and
28 applications for renewal of licences were received. The
Council granted the licences in respect of these establishments.
The licences expire on 31st March of each year.
Hairdressers' and Barbers' Premises. (Essex C.C. Act, 1933,
Part VI). During 1962, 108 visits of inspection were made by the
Public Health Inspectors to these premises.
Camping Grounds and Moveable Dwellings. (Essex C.C. Act,
1933, Part IX.)
Prevention of Fouling of Public Footway by Dogs.
(v) There are three local Acts in operation— (1) The Ilford Improvement
Act, 1898, which has important sanitary provisions; (2) The Ilford
Urban District Council Act, 1904, the Section which deals with the control
of tuberculosis is repealed, the powers of the Corporation now being contained
in the Food and Drugs Act, 1955, and (3) The Ilford Corporation
Act, 1937.
(vi) ESSEX COUNTY COUNCIL ACT, 1952. - This Act came into
operation in 1953. Reference is made in this Report in appropriate sections
as to action taken under the Act.
The Essex County Council on application by the Ilford Council,
delegated to them, the powers conferred upon the County Council by the
Act, subject to certain conditions.
Agencies are inspected before the issue of a licence, and thereafter
at intervals of not more than once a quarter.
The Medical Officer of Health and Deputy are authorised under
Section 3(2) to enter and inspect any such licensed premises in the
No application for a licence was received during 1962.
(viii) NATIONAL ASSISTANCE ACT, 1948.- The County Welfare
Officer has kindly supplied me with the following information.