London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Ilford 1949

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Ilford]

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Loan of Sickroom Equipment.—During the year 1949 few enquiries
were received for the loan of items of sickroom equipment and it was
found that the British Red Cross Loan Depots, of which there are four
in Ilford, were able to meet most requirements. Where this was not
possible, the articles were obtained and issued on loan from the Public
Health Offices, as shown below: —
Number of articles on loan at 31.12.48 Nil
„ „ „ loaned in 1949 5
„ „ „ on loan at 31.12.49 5
List of items obtained for loan: —
1 Sorbo mattress.
1 Air ring.
1 Set of fracture boards.
1 Bedrest.
1 Pair crutches.
It has been found in 1950 that this loan scheme has become more widely
known and applications for articles have increased considerably.
Tuberculosis Visitors.—Three Tuberculosis Visitors were employed
in the Area during 1949, making a total of 2,355 visits to homes in the
Rehabilitation of Tuberculosis Cases.—Assistance in the maintenance
charges of cases at the Papworth Hall Settlement was given as
follows: —
Number of cases being assisted at 31.12.48 2
„ „ „ newly assisted in 1949 1
„ „ „ for whom responsibility ceased 1
„ „ „ being assisted at 31.12.49 who at that date
had been assisted for: —
(a) Between 1 and 2 years 1
(b) Over 2 years 1
Open-Air Shelters for Tuberculosis Cases.—One open-air shelter
was supplied for a tuberculosis patient during 1949 and at the end of the
year two such shelters, supplied by the County Council, were in use in
Boarding-out of Children (Tuberculosis Contacts).—No applications
were received in 1949 for assistance in the boarding-out of child
contacts of tuberculosis patients under the scheme commenced in the
County in December, 1949.
Ilford Tuberculosis Care Association.—Owing to the resignation
of the Secretary of this Association, at the request of the County Medical
Officer arrangements were in hand at the end of the year for
Mr. H. R. Stanbridge, a member of the Ilford Health Area Office Staff,
to take over the secretarial work as from the 1st January, 1950.
Home Nursing.—The Home Nursing Service in Ilford is undertaken
by Nurses under the supervision of the Superintendent of the Beachcroft
Training Home at Leytonstone. As soon as suitable premises are acquired,
however, it is proposed that a Branch Home will be set up in Ilford.