London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Ilford 1942

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Ilford]

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1,091 patients were admitted during 1942.
94.8 per cent. of the eases of diphtheria and 78.8 per cent. of scarlet
fever occurring in the district (excluding those cases treated at the Institutions
at which they were notified, or were transferred to other Isolation Hospitals)
were admitted to the hospital.
The 1,091 patients admitted during 1942 suffered from the following
Puerperal Scarlet Fever 1
Scarlet Fever 464 (141)
Scarlet Fever and Chicken Pox 5 (5)
Scarlet Fever and Mumps 1
Scarlet Fever, Whooping Cough and Chicken Pox 1
Scarlet Fever and Scabies 4(1)
Diphtheria 42(18)
Diphtheria and Scabies 1
Cerebro-spinal Fever 16(6)
Cerebro-spinal Fever and Pneumonia 1
Tuberculous Diseases—Pulmonary 132
„ „ Non-Pulmonary 5(1)
Pneumonia 85(9)
Pneumonia and Whooping Cough 1
Pneumonia and Measles 1(1)
Whooping Cough 16(4)
Whooping Cough and Measles 1(1)
Measles and German Measles 30(15)
Measles and Chicken Pox 1
Measles, Scabies and Impetigo 1
Mumps 6(2)
Chicken Pox 3
Erysipelas 24(7)
Pemphigus Neonatorum 1
Puerperal Pyrexia 24(10)
Scabies 10
Impetigo and Dermatitis 5
Acute Rheumatism 6
Influenza 5
Bronchitis 8
Enteritis 3(1)
Sonne Dysentery 1(1)
Observation and Other Cases 186(63)
Number of deaths in hospital:—
Pulmonary Tuberculosis 46
Tuberculous Meningitis 3(1)
Pneumonia 13(1)
Cerebro-spinal Fever 2
Pemphigus Neonatorum 1
Staphylococcal Septicaemia 1(1)
Streptococcal Toxaemia 1(1)
Septic Abortion 1
Whooping Cough 4(2)
Meningeal Cyst 1(1)
Congenital Heart Disease 1
Infective Endocarditis 1
Retro-pharyngeal Abscess 1
Acute Exfoliative Dermatitis 1
Cardiac Failure due to Toxaemia due to Broncho
Pneumonia 1
Ruptured Aneurysm of Circle of Willis 1 (1)
The figures in brackets represent cases admitted from Barking.