London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Ilford 1939

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Ilford]

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1. (i) Water Supply.—This was fully dealt with in my report for 1937.
Analyses :—
3 samples of the piped water supply (from the South Essex Waterworks
Coy.) were sent for examination, and each sample gave a satisfactory analysis.
Mr. B. W. Bryan, the Engineer to the South Essex Waterworks Coy.,
states that the Company has not obtained a supplementary supply of water
from the Metropolitan Water Board during 1939, and that during the year
2,160 yards of main were laid in the Borough, 6 yards being of 3 in. diameter,
1,850 yards of 4 in. diameter, and 304 yards of 6 in. diameter.
Mr. Bryan also stated that the analytical reports on all analyses made
of the water supplied by his company to Ilford showed that the water was
pure and wholesome; that it is anticipated that the Stour Supply Scheme
(1935) will come into supply by June, 1940, and a laboratory has been built
and equipped at the Company's Langham Works and a whole-time chemist and
bacteriologist together with an assistant chemist and bacteriologist had been
engaged and 1,500 to 2,000 samples per year are now being analysed.
The Distribution Engineer of the Metropolitan Water Board informs me
that during the year 1,304 yards oT 4 inch main were laid in the Borough.
(ii) Drainage and Sewerage. The Borough Engineer has kindly supplied
me with the following report :—
(a) Survey of Main Trunk Sewers.
The scheme for the reconstruction of the main trunk sewers has, at the
present time, been suspended for the duration of hostilities, although it may
be decided to apply for loan sanction to cover the expenditure on Contract
No. 1, which was commenced in November 1938, and is now almost completed,
only maintenance being carried out.
The proportion, by expenditure, of the amount completed to the total
scheme is about 4%.
(Details of Contract No. 1 were given in the 1938 Report).
2. (i) Closet Accommodation.—In addition to the water carriage system
of sewage, there are in the rural area 19 cesspools, 15 pail closets and 9
privies. The clearing of cesspools, privies and pail closets is carried out by
the Council, the former by means of two vacuum emptiers. All pail closets
are emptied twice weekly.
The following were demolished in 1939.
Pail Closets.—Three at Loxford Hall and one at Aldborough Hatch.
Cesspool.—One at New North Road.
(ii) Public Cleansing.—286 defective and unsuitable receptacles have
been replaced during the year.
The following particulars as to the collection of house refuse during 1939,
was kindly supplied by the Borough Engineer :—
Total number of Loads collected 16,913
Total weight of Refuse collected 43,279 tons 15 cwt. 2 qrs.
Average weight per load 2 tons 11 cwt 0 qrs 20 lbs.
Total amount of Refuse barged under Contract 31,442 tons 16 cwt. 0 qrs.
Total amount of Refuse disposed of at Refuse
Destructor ((including Trade Refuse) 12,031 tons 16 cwt. 2 qrs.
Number of Vehicles engaged on collection 22