London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Ilford 1936

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Ilford]

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3rd. Epileptic Children.—There are 9 children suffering from
severe epilepsy, 3 are in certified residential schools for epileptics,
1 attending an ordinary elementary school, 3 at other institutions,
and 2 at no school, being over 14 years of age. In addition, there
are 5 children included under " Children suffering from Multiple
Defects," who are mentally deficient and epileptic. (2 in Certified
Special Schools, 1 attending a public elementary school and 2
are not attending any school, being over 14 years of age.)
There are 7 children suffering from epilepsy whose disease
is of such a kind as not to unfit them for attendance at an ordinary
elementary school, 4 are not attending any school, being over 14
years of age.
4th. Tuberculous Children.—There are 5 children notified
as suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis; all are active cases, 2
being in a sanatorium, 2 at no school or institution, both being
over 14 years of age, and one in a General Hospital.
37 children are on the Tuberculosis Register suffering from
non-pulmonary tuberculosis. 21 are at present attending Public
Elementary schools; 9 attending the Open-Air School; 6 are not
attending any school (1 being over 14 years). There is also 1
child included under " Children suffering from Multiple Defects,"
who is a cripple and also has abdominal tuberculosis.
5th. Delicate Children.—There are 151 children who are so
delicate as to necessitate open-air school treatment.
94 are in the Ilford Open-Air School and 7 in a special school.
6th. Crippled Children.—There were at the end of the year
58 crippled children (other than those with active tuberculous
disease) who are suffering from a degree of crippling sufficiently
severe to interfere with the children's normal mode of life ; 7 of
these were not attending school (3 being over 14 years of age), 32
were attending public elementary schools, 10 were attending the