London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Ilford 1936

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Ilford]

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The following is a brief resume of the work done by the
Society in Ilford during the past year:—
Total number of cases investigated, 32, made up as follows :—
(1) Of Neglect 22
(4 reported from the Public Health Department, for neglecting
medical advice, and 18 reported from other sources
for general neglect.)
(2) Ill-treatment cases 4
(3) Other cases 6
64 children (37 boys and 27 girls) were involved, 43 being of
school age. In addition to this work, 171 supervision visits were
paid to different cases, some of which were made to those reported
during the previous year.
(2) The Invalid Children's Aid Association established an
Ilford Branch on 1st December, 1933, and has done very valuable
work in the district. The Secretary, Miss C. H. H. Burns, informs
me that—
33 children were sent to residential schools and paid for by
the Education Committee.
17. Physically and Mentally Defective Children.—A
return of all children falling within this category is included in
Table III, information having been obtained from the rceords in
this department and from a circular addressed to all the Head
Teachers of the various departments of the public elementary
(a) Physically Defective Children:—
During 1936, 16 cases were referred for medical examination
and report by the School Medical Officer, and the following is a
detailed summary of the children dealt with under this heading:—