London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Ilford 1936

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Ilford]

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In the Clementswood Ward there were 17 deaths.
9 died under 1 week.
1 died at 1 week from prematurity.
1 died at 1 month from broncho-pneumonia. «
*1 died at 3 months from congenital heart disease.
1 died at 3 months from gastro-enteritis.
*1 died at 3 months from asphyxia from bronchitis.
*1 died at 4 months from syncope, tonsillitis, bronchitis and
mastoid disease.
1 died at 4 months from gastro-enteritis.
1 died at 11 months from angio-sarcoma in neck.
In the Goodmayes Ward there were 11 deaths.
6 died under 1 week.
1 died at 1 month from gastro-enteritis.
1 died at 2 months from cardiac failure and congenital
abnormality of heart.
*1 died at 2 months from gastro-enteritis.
1 died at 5 months from cardiac failure and lobar pneumonia.
*1 died at 9 months from broncho-pneumonia, pertussis and
* These children had attended an Infant Welfare Centre.
It will be seen that of the 96 infants who died under one year
of age, only 16 had attended infant welfare centres, and in some
cases only one attendance was made. 59, however, of the deaths
occurred in the first month of life, and these infants would naturally
not have been brought to a centre.
The mortality of infants under one year attending Ilford infant
welfare centres was 9.2 per 1,000, as compared with 169.1 per
1,000 in those not attending an Ilford infant welfare centre.
It would be a fairer comparison to state that of the 37 children
who died between the age of one month and one year (all of whom
might have been in attendance at a welfare centre), only 16 had
attended an infant welfare centre, or, in other words, that 57 per
cent. of the deaths of children between one month and one year
of age occurred in children who had never attended an infant
welfare centre.
Neonatal Mortality.
The death-rate of infants under four weeks of age is known
as the Neonatal Mortality.