London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Ilford 1935

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Ilford]

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At the request of the Stratford Division of the British Medical
Association, the Borough Council consented to the following
The Ministry of Health sanctioned these under Section 133 of
the Public Health Act, 1875. The Ministry's sanction was given
"on the understanding that the arrangements will be under the
general supervision of the Medical Officer of Health and that full
details of the work will be given in his Annual Report."
The arrangements which the Ministry of Health have approved,
as above, are that diphtheria prophylactic should be supplied free
for those cases which are inoculated under this scheme on condition :—
(1) that the Medical Officer of Health is furnished on a form
provided for the purpose with the names, ages, addresses,
etc., together with the dates of injection of those patients
(2) that the children immunised are subsequently Schick
Tested at the Council's Diphtheria Prevention Clinics.
The medical practitioners resident in the Borough were circularised
on the 24th May, with detailed instructions as to immunisation,
and since that date to the end of the year 15 doctors have
been supplied with prophylactic for the treatment of 57 children
(11 under 5 years and 46 over 5 years of age).
The following is a brief summary:—
Numbers inoculated (full course) by medical practitioners.. 51
Numbers of forms not yet returned to Public Health Offices 6
Numbers Schick tested at Clinics and found negative .. 12
Numbers not Schick tested owing to having left district, etc. 4
Numbers awaiting Schick test at Clinics in 1936 35
(d) Enteric Fever.—16 cases were notified in 1935, as compared
with 6 in 1934; 19 in 1933; 21 in 1932; 8 in 1931; 11 in 1930;
12 in 1929; 30 in 1928; 11 in 1927; 6 in 1926; 10 in 1925. 9 of the
cases occurred at Claybury Mental Hospital, of which 4 died at
this Institution.