London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Ilford 1935

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Ilford]

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5. Deaths.—The total number of deaths of Ilford residents
was 1,212.
This is obtained by taking the total deaths registered in the
district (1.069) subtracting the deaths of non-residents occurring
in the district (290), and adding the deaths of Ilford residents
registered as having died in other districts (433).
The total number of deaths registered in the
district during the year was 1,069
Number of deaths of non-residents registered in
the district (principally in large institutions) 290
The latter 290 deaths occurred as follows:—
In Claybur (L.C.C.) Mental Hospital 112
In West Ham Borough Mental Hospital 64
In King George Hospital 94
Other Non-Residents 20
Included in the deaths of residents belonging to the district
are 9 which occurred in Dr. Barnardo's Village Homes.
The total number of deaths of Ilford residents registered as
having died in other districts during the year was 432.
This figure includes deaths at the following institutions:—
Oldchurch Hospital, Romford 212
Essex County Mental Hospital, Brentwood 8
The London Hospital 30
Queen Mary's Hospital, West Ham 5
Hospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond Street 5
St. Bartholomew's Hospital 8
Charing Cross Hospital 8
Middlesex Hospital 1
Guy's Hospital 2
East Ham Memorial Hospital 4
St. Thomas' Hospital 3
University College Hospital 1
Brompton Hospital 1
St. Luke's Hospital 3
Severalls Mental Hospital. Colchester 16
London Fever Hospital 2
In other Hospitals, Institutions and Residences outside the
Ilford District 124
Total 433