London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Ilford 1931

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Ilford]

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(d) 5 paid a fee of £5 5s. for the services of the Consulting Obstetric
Surgeon. One paid half of the fee, the Council paying the
remaining half.
(c) 1 paid a fee of 7s. 6d. per week, 1 a fee of 10s. per week, and
1 a fee of 12s. 6d. per week for the maintenance of babies in
the Home apart from their mothers.
The work of training Pupil Midwives has continued in a satisfactory
manner; seven who were engaged during ihe year were
successful in passing the examination of the Central Midwives
Maternity Cases—Queen Mart's Hospital.
There has been an arrangement since July, 1923, with the
Queen Mary's Hospital, Stratford, for the treatment of maternity
cases requiring operative or other treatment which cannot be carried
out in the Ilford Maternity Home, and cases which require admission
to a maternity home and cannot be dealt with at our own
institution, the agreed charge being 7s. per day.
No cases were, however, treated under this arrangement
during 1931.
District Midwife.
During 1931, the District Midwife attended 112 cases; of these
14 were delivered by doctors and 98 by herself; a doctor was called
in, however, in 39 of the 98 cases delivered by the District Midwife,
for the following causes: —
Albuminuria 2
(а) Ante-Natal 4 History of eclamptic fit 1
High blood pressure 1
Uterine inertia 3
Prolonged labour 1
(b) During labour 11 Extended breech 1
Post-partum haemorrhage 3
General condition 3
Ruptured perineum 8
(c) After labour 16 Influenza 3
Bacillus coli infection 3
General condition 2
(d) For infant 8 dangerous feebleness 2
Inflammation of eyes 6