London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Ilford 1930

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Ilford]

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As the result of a complaint received in July, the further
treatment of cases at the King George Hospital has been suspended.
In addition to the treatment of tonsils and adenoids, 32 letters
were given to Ilford school children, for whom hospital treatment
was required, to attend at Queen Mary's Hospital.
9. Open-Air School.—During 1930, 50 children were
admitted, 51 ceased attendance, and on the 31st December, 1930,
97 children were on the school-roll.
The whole of the children who have been admitted to the
Open-Air School were personally examined by myself prior to
admission. They were originally recommended to me for examination
from the following sources :—
Head Teachers 3
As a result of Medical Inspection at School, School
Clinic, etc. 25
Tuberculosis Officer 13
Great Ormond Street Hospital 2
Parents' application 2
Director of Education 1
Private Medical Practitioner 3
Victoria Park Hospital 1
The 51 children not now on the school-roll ceased attendance
for the following reasons :—
Found fit to resume attendance at ordinary School 44
Left the district 4
Admitted to London Hospital 1
Unable to benefit by reason of mental defect 2
All cases discharged from the Open Air School, and subsequently
re-admitted to ordinary schools, are re-examined at school.
Of the 51 children ceasing attendance during 1930, 38 were readmitted
to ordinary schools and 20 have been re-examined and
found to have benefited by their attendance at the Open Air School,
and to be in good health. The remainder will be re-examined at
school in due course.