London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Ilford 1929

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Ilford]

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The Golfe Road Temporary School, to accommodate 350 junior
mixed children has been commenced, and will be opened during
the ensuing year.
The temporary school at St. Thomas' Church, Haydon Road,
remained in occupation.
Routine medical inspection at the Mossford School, Dr.
Barnardo's Girls' Village Home was again carried out by my
Department during the year, 194 children being examined, the
treatment of the children being left, as previously, in the hands
of the Home Authorities.
4. Medical Inspection.—This has been carried out in accordance
with the Board of Education (Special Services) Regulations,
dated the 18th August, 1925, Section 17 of which states :—
The Authority must provide for the medical inspection of all
children in Public Elementary Schools as soon as possible in the
twelve months following—
(а) their first admission to Public Elementary Schools, and
(б) their attaining the age of eight years, and
(c) their attaining the age of twelve years.
Details of the system adopted are given in the Annual Report
ior 1920.
During 1929 the number of visits by the Medical Officers to 45
different departments of 20 schools for the purposes of routine
medical inspection was 386. The number of children examined
during the year, falling within the above age groups, totalled 6,254
(3,032 boys and 3,222 girls), an increase of 344 over the figures for
1928. In addition, a number of children of varying ages were
presented by the Head Teachers for special medical examination,
being thought by the teachers to be suffering from some ailment.