London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Ilford 1925

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Ilford]

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One death was due to Puerperal Fever; the woman's confinement
and subsequent death took place at her own home.
Two other deaths took place from Pulmonary Embolism, one
being subsequent on a miscarriage; the remaining death was due
to haemorrhage during pregnancy.
The arrangement come to with the Romford Board of
Guardians in accordance with the recommendations made by the
Ministry of Health in a circular dated September 30th, 1919, by
which the work of the Infant Life Protection Visitor employed by
the Board of Guardians is linked up with the work of the Public
Health Department, has continued in operation.
No death of a nurse-child occurred in the Ilford district
during the year.
I am not satisfied that foster-children should be allowed to
remain with foster-mothers who have to apply for free milk owing
to the unemployment or necessitous condition of their own family,
and on the instructions of the Committee can refer such cases
where necessary to the Ministry of Health.
The Sanitary Inspectors have visited all the houses which
have been reported during the year as accommodating fosterchildren.
The following is a summary of the work carried out:—
Number of foster-children on books on 1st January,
1925 27
Number of foster-children who were notified to me
during 1925 39
Number of foster-children returned to their mothers
during 1925 8
Number of foster-children taken off the records for
various other reasons during 1925 9
Number of foster children on records on 31st December,
1925 49