London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Ilford 1912

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Ilford]

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directly or indirectly. They are frequently inspected, and
receive as regular attention as possible, so as to minimise
the evils they give rise to.
During 1912 a deputation from the Farmers' Association
interviewed the Public Health Committee with a view to the
Council emptying the various cesspools, etc., for them. Their
contention was that they paid a sewer rate but derived no
direct benefit from it.
The Council took the matter into consideration, and
authorised the laying of a sewer to drain the Padnall Corner
district, which appeared the most urgent cause of complaint.
With regard to the question of dealing with the other cesspools,
etc., I was instructed by the Council to present a
report on the cost of dealing with this matter, with a
map of the district showing the situation of these various
cesspools, etc. There is no doubt that if this work was
carried out by the Council, it would be done more systematically
than it is possible for the farmers to do it, and a
correspondingly less opportunities for nuisances to arise.
This is carried out by the Council with their own horses
and dust vans. Collection is made once a week throughout
the district. The refuse has been taken to a tip at Aldborough
Road for the eastern portion of the district. The refuse from
the western part has latterly been taken to a tip at St.
Swithin's, so as to relieve the Aldborough Road tip, which
is being rapidly filled up.
A Local Government Board Inquiry was held during
1912, on application for the Council for a loan to buy some
land in Aldborough Road for the purpose of the erection of a
dust destructor. The application was granted, so that the