London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Giles (Camden) 1881

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Giles District]

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"Area.—The area of London (the registration division
so called) is 78,080 acres, or 122 square miles, including
2,718 acres of the Thames. The length of the streets and
roads is about 1,500 miles, and their area nearly 12 miles
square. The sewers have a length of about 2,000 miles.
"Elevation.—The population of London resides at a
mean elevation of 39 ft. above Trinity high-water mark ;
the elevation varying from 11 ft. below high-water mark
in Plumstead Marshes to 429 ft. above high-water mark in
"Houses.—At the census in 1881, there were within
this area 486,286 inhabited houses, containing an average
of 7.8 persons to a house, exactly corresponding with the
proportion in 1861 and 1871.
"Annual Rateable Value.—The annual rateable
value of property in the metropolis in April, 1881, as
assessed in accordance with the Valuation (Metropolis)
Act, 1869, was equal to £27,405,488.
"Density (1881).—121 persons to a hectare; 49 persons
to an acre; 31,408 to a square mile.
"Annual Rate of Increase of Population—per cent.
1861—71,1.50; 1871—81, 1.61.
* From the Annual Summary of the Registrar General of Births,
Deaths, and Marriages.