London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Kingston upon Thames 1924

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Kingston-upon-Thames]

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Articles of Food. Condition Action taken
756 lbs. Bone taint or putrefaction Surrendered
237 lbs. Bruised „
94 lbs. Degeneration of tissue ,,
2 Forequarters Tuberculosis Seized
1 Brisket Inflammation ,,
2 Ox heads and tongues Tuberculosis 1 Seized and
1 Surrendered
1 Pair ox lungs Tuberculosis Surrendered
I Liver Tuberculosis Seized
Livers—142½ lbs. Putrefaction Surrendered
Kidneys—48½ lbs. Putrefaction „
Ox tails—196 lbs. Putrefaction ,,
1 Skirt Tuberculosis ,,
Skirts (48 lbs.) Putrefaction and mould „
Complete offal of two beef Tuberculosis Seized
Corned beef Putrefaction and mould Surrendered
70 lbs. Putrefaction and mould Surrendered
Sheep's hearts (240) Putrefaction ,,
Sheep's tongues (30 lbs.) Putrefaction ,,
17 Pig's heads and necks Tuberculosis Surrendered
5 Plucks Tuberculosis ,,
1 Carcase Tuberculosis „
2 Forequarters Tuberculosis „
Complete offal for two Tuberculosis „
Kidneys (78 lbs.) Putrefaction „
Haddocks (1 box) Putrefaction „
Herring- (3 boxes) Putrefaction ,,
Plaice (3 stone) Putrefaction ,,
Skate wings (63 stone) Putrefaction „
Dog Fish (5 stone) Putrefaction ,,
Fish roes (2 stone) Putrefaction ,,
Winkles (2 bags) Putrefaction ,,
Whelks (1 bag) Putrefaction ,,
Dates (I box) Putrefaction and fermentation Seized
There are several wholesale meat depots in the
Borough, and a large quantity of meat is distributed from
this town to the surrounding, districts. A great deal of this
meat is inspected in the London Markets before despatch
to Kingston, but inspection here is necessary when the consignment
comes direct from the boats, or when some days
have elapsed since it left the London Markets.