London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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East Ham 1958

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for East Ham]

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The district nursing service Is hard pressed to cope with the number and weight of "nursings"
they are asked to undertake, and can offer no solution to the problem of "night care" which many of
these persons need, and when Incontinence further complicates the picture the conditions at times In
some of these households deteriorate considerably.
The need for night 'sitters in1 becomes increasingly apparent and a laundry service for the
incontinent a social necessity in any enlightened community.
Much supportive work is done by the Health Visitors with the elderly sick and infirm, to
procure appropriate services, advise with diet and regimen, and alleviate loneliness. But the combined
efforts of the family, friends, neighbours and the social services often are not enough, and the
support of hospital beds for those cases which prove too much for combined community effort should be
readily available.
Health Education
A beginning has been made with selected groups of school children with talks on care of the
teeth, care of the feet and smoking. Films have been used to emphasize certain points and to provoke
discussion and questions.
I have conducted these talks myself in order to ascertain at first hand, the value of such
approach to the subjects and whether organized follow up by assistant medical officers, dental surgeons
and health visitors was indicated.
It would appear that systemised Health Education in relation to care of teeth, the feet and
general hygiene should be undertaken, and In relation to the smoking habit, the complete co-operation
of the parents and the teachers must be ensured to prevent the establishment of the habit in both boys
and girls before the age of lit is reached. A survey carried out in a sample of our schools has
established that the Impact of smoking on the social behaviour of our school children has already left
Its Impress in both sexes In many Instances between the ages of 10 and 1/+ years.
General Health Considerations
A perusal of the statistics of birth rate, death rate and analysis of mortality as set out in
tabular form in the body of the report, amply demonstrates that East Ham remains a reasonably good area
in which to reside. Great strides have been made in housing all sections of the community both within
the borough and in participation in out-county schemes and medico-social services and educational
facilities of high quality are readily available to the burgesses.
I welcome this opportunity to convey to the Chairmen and the members of the Health Committees
in the years under review my thanks for their support and encouragement in carrying out the many tasks
involved in the maintenance of the 'public health1 and for their helpful and constructive criticism.
And to include In this expression of gratitude, my deputy, Dr. Allen, the Chief Administrative Assistant,
Mr. Horsnell and all the members of the professional and clerical staff who have worked together as a
coherent happy team.
I have the honour to remain Mr. Mayor, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Your obedient Servant,
Medical Officer of Health and
Principal School Medical Officer.