London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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East Ham 1936

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for East Ham]

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Act—Blind Persons, 1920 41-43
Act—Local Government, 1929 25
Acts—Children, 1908-32 99
Acts—Housing 111-115
Acts—Mental Deficiency 37
Acts—Midvvives, 1902-18 20
Acts—Nursing Homes Registration,
1927 21
Act—Rag Flock 109
Act—Rents Restriction 109
Act—Shops, 1934 110
Adenoids 92, 132, 137
After-Care Committee 88
Aldersbrook Homes 34
Ambulance Facilities 21
Attendance Officers, Cooperation
of 151
Ante-Natal Clinic 28,95
Area 11
Artificial Sunlight 23
Atmospheric Pollution 107
Aural Surgeon, report of 139
Aural Treatment 92, 136, 164, 170
Bacteriology 22,54
Bacteriological Examinations 55, 116
Baths—School 151
Baths—Swimming 101
Bed Bugs—Eradication of 11l
Birth Rate 11,17
Births 11,14, 93
Births, Illegitimate 11
Births, Still 11,12,94
Blind Persons Act, 1920 41-43
Blind Children 152, 158
Blindness—Prevention of 43
Byelaws—Premises and occupations
controlled by 108
Camps—School 144
Cancer 58
Caravans 108
Centre-Training and
Occupation M.D 40
Children's Acts, 1908-32 99
Children's Homes 29,34
Children Invalid Aid
Association 43-44, 98,147
Cinemas 107
Classrooms, Open Air 144
Cleansing, Public 105
Clinics, Ante-Natal 28,95
Clinics, Artificial Sunlight 28,136,143
Clinics, Aural 28, 93, 136
Clinics, Dental 28
Clinics, Immunisation 28,46,92,137
Clinics, Infant 28,91
Clinics, Manor Park 28,136
Clinics, Morning 28,93
Clinics, Ophthalmic 28, 93,136
Clinics, School 28,136
Clinics, Toddlers' 28,92
Clinics, Tuberculosis and
Chest 28,62-70
Clinics and Treatment Centres 27
Closet Accommodation 105
Committees 3
Complaints 107
Contents—Principal 2
Continuation Schools 153
Co-ordination 126
Cripples 134,142,161
Dairies 116
Day-Schools, Open Air 144
Deaf Children 152,159
Deaths 11,14,17
Death-rate General 11,14,17
Death-rate. Infantile 12,15,18a
Death-rate, Zymotic 45
Deaths, Causes of 17a
Deaths, Infants n 12,15,18a
Deaths, in Wards and Rates 18
Dental Treatment 92,133,140,165
Dental Treatment—Tuberculous
Patients 73
Dental Surgeons, Report of 140
Diarrhoea 12
Diphtheria 45, 46, 52
Drainage and Sewerage 104
Dust Collection 105
Ear Diseases 133,139
East Ham Memorial Hospital 30
Education Committee 4
Employment of Children 153
Enteric Fever 47
Epileptic Children 160
Erysipelas 47,54
Eye Diseases of Children 133,138
Exceptional School Children 127
Extracts from Vital Statistics 11
Excessive Mortality,
Particulars of 12
Factories and Workshops 103,107
Following-up 136
Food and Drugs Adulteration 119
Food Inspection 116-120
Free Supplies of Milk 98