London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Westminster 1897

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Westminster]

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Removal of fish offal
In consequence of complaints having been made to the
Public Health Committee by tradesmen, of the difficulty
experienced in obtaining the removal of fish offal produced 011
their premises, the Committee ordered, with a view to obviating
the difficulty,
That subject to the observance of the bye-laws applicable thereto,
and upon receipt of a written request in each case, facilities
be afforded tradesmen for shooting fish offal into barges at
the Vestry's wharf, Grosvenor-road, and that it be left to the
surveyor to make and collect a charge at the rate of three
pence per bushel, with a minimum of three pence, for the
refuse so deposited at the wharf.
Bye-laics as to Paving and Drainage of Stables; Removal of
Offensive Refuse, &c., under Sec. 16, P.H.L. Act, 1891.
In many instances, owners of stables have complained of
their inability to get contractors to remove stable manure.
The Public Health Committee directed that proceedings be
taken in six cases for non-removal of manure, when the
magistrate made a prohibition order in each case.
For failing after due notice to provide proper paving and
drainage to stables, proceedings were taken in three cases.
The stables in question, however, having been vacated previous
to the hearing, the summonses were withdrawn on payment of
thn costs.
Water Supply to Newly Erected Houses.
Wards 1 and 2, St. Margaret.
During the year only one certificate has been granted under
Section 48 of the Public Health (London) Act. An application
for a certificate was refused by the Public Health Committee
on account of the house being already occupied. The applicant
was eventually summoned and fined.
Wards 1 and 3, St. John.
Forty-three certificates have been granted in respect of
premises newly erected in these districts.