London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Harrow 1968

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Harrow]

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Non-Maintained Hostels—During 1968 9 patients were placed in
either other local authorities' or voluntary associations' hostels as it was
felt to be in the patients best interest to do so.
At the end of the year 10 patients were still so placed.
Day Centre for the Elderly Mentally III—This establishment
consists of a large house which has been converted for the reception of
suitable cases on a daily basis, 9.0 a.m.—5.0 p.m. Mondays to Fridays
inclusive, with the exception of Bank Holidays. Transport is provided to
and from the centre for those elderly persons who are unable to travel on
public transport. The work at the centre is of an occupational therapy
nature and no charge is made for the facilities provided except for 1/6
which covers the cost of providing a mid-day meal. Referrals are received
mainly from general practitioners, hospitals and various social work
agencies. A chiropodist attends regularly to give advice and treatment.
A total of 75 patients was referred for admission to the Centre
during the year. Of these 9 patients (4 men and 5 women) were referred
by general practitioners, 7 by mental hospitals, 14 by general hospitals, 33
by social workers, 8 by the Harrow Old Peoples Welfare and 4 from other
The number of patients discharged from the centre during the same
period was 61 of which 21 were admitted to mental hospitals, 6 to general
hospitals, 6 to welfare homes, 11 improved or left the district and 10 refused
to continue to attend. Also during this period 7 patients died.
Of the patients accepted 18 were admitted from the London Boroughs
of Brent, Barnet, Ealing and Westminster.
At the end of the year there were 59 patients on the register (22 men
and 37 women)—11 of these being cases from adjacent Boroughs.
There were also 4 patients awaiting admission (1 man and 3 women)
3 of these being from other Boroughs.
Approximately 123 visitors were shown over the centre during the
Day Centre for the Younger Mentally 111—Patients from
Harrow recommended to attend such a centre continue to attend the one
at Belton Hall, Bertie Road, Willesden, run by the London Borough of
During 1968, 3 patients were referred to this centre all of whom were
admitted, plus one patient who was originally referred in December 1967.
During the year a patient, who proved unsuitable for the Brent Day
Centre, was discharged. Subsequently, arrangements were made for this
patient to attend Shenley Hospital Occupational Therapy Department, the
fares involved being reimbursed by this Authority.