London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Harrow 1966

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Harrow]

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to being automatically transferred to an Adult Training-Centre. They are
paid monetary awards of up to £1 10s. 0d. per week, in the same way as
the trainees at the Centre.
Summer Outings and School Journeys.—During the Summer Term
two parties of children, accompanied by members of the staff, visited the
Lido at Ruislip. The outing proved a great success as it held both
educational and social training value, as indeed do all similar outings and
school journeys in which the children participate.
At the end of the academic year, it was felt that the parents of all the
children would appreciate a written annual report by the class teacher and
the Headmistress on their child's progress. This was warmly welcomed by
the parents. Open days or open evenings are also held once a term in
order to give parents an opportunity of visiting the classrooms and
discussing any problems with the staff of the school.
Visitors.—During the year over 90 visitors were shown over the
school including a number of people from overseas.
Formation of Parent-Teachers Association.—In order to obtain
greater co-operation and liaison between the parents and teachers at the
School, in March, 1966, it was decided to form a Parent-Teacher
Association, the objects of the Association being:—
(a) greater co-operation on questions such as the training of retarded
children between parents and staff.
(b) The organisation of various social events for both children and
their parents.
(c) The raising of money to provide additional amenities for the
Adult Training Centres.—The older subnormal patients from
Harrow continue to attend other local authorities centres. These establishments
are open from 9.0 a.m. — 5.0 p.m. Mondays to Fridays, inclusive
and light industrial work is undertaken for local firms on a contract basis.
In addition, the trainees are also taught gardening. Mid-day meals are
provided for which the trainees pay daily.
At the end of the year the number of patients from Harrow attending
such centres was 47 (21 women and 26 men). Forty-four of whom were
in attendance at the London Borough of Hillingdon's centre at Uxbridge.
Annual Camps.—A party of 44 children and staff from the Harrow
Junior Training School under the leadership of Dr. R. Fidler, Principal
Medical Officer, Mental Health, attended a successful summer holiday
camp at the National Society for Mentally Handicapped Children's
holiday home 'Pirates Springs', Near Dymchurch, Kent, from 28th July to
12th September, 1966.
The adult camps were again held at St. Mary's Bay, Dymchurch,
Kent—the girls' from 19th-30th August, 1966, and the boys' from 30th
August-9th September, 1966, and 20 patients from Harrow attended.