Hints from the Health Department. Leaflet from the archive of the Society of Medical Officers of Health. Credit: Wellcome Collection, London
[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Harrow]
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General Hospital Service.
Details of the hospitals in and serving this district were set out in
the Annual Report for 1948.
Those most used by the local inhabitants are:—
1. Edgware General Hospital. This is included in the
institutions allotted to the North-West Metropolitan Regional Hospital
Board. (Secretary: A. J. Bennett, M.A. ; Senior Administrative Medical
Officer, H. M. C. Macaulay, M.D., 11a, Portland Place, London, W.l.
Tel. No. Museum 9575.). The hospital is managed by the No. 11, or
Hendon Group Hospital Management Committee. (Secretary: J.
Fielding, F.H.A., Edgware General Hospital. Tel. No. Edgware 8181.)
2. Harrow Hospital. This is associated with the Charing
Cross Hospital which, as a teaching hospital, is administered by a Board
of Governors.
The hospital maintains a physical treatment department at the Car
Park Building, Station Road, Harrow.
3. Roxbourne Hospital. The Regional Hospital Board took
over the South Harrow Isolation Hospital which the Harrow Council
had in their earliest days decided to replace by a modern infectious
diseases hospital. The premises have been modernised and as the Roxbourne
Hospital provide accommodation for a number of elderly patients.
Isolation Hospital Accommodation.
Most of the patients suffering from an infectious disease who have
needed to be admitted to hospital have been accepted at the Edgware
Isolation Hospital which admits a far wider range of patients than used
ordinarily to be accepted at the isolation hospitals. A much smaller
proportion of patients suffering from scarlet fever is being removed to
hospital for treatment as many can satisfactorily be cared for at home.
On the other hand, no case is known in the last year of a patient suffering
from an infectious condition and needing to be admitted to hospital
not having been accepted at some hospital. Because of staffing difficulties
accommodation could not always be found at the Edgware
Isolation Hospital; in these cases the patient had to be taken to hospitals
further, and sometimes much further, afield.
Convalescent Homes.
Such of these homes as accept patients needing nursing care and
medical treatment are administered by the Regional Hospital Boards.
Arrangements for the admission of patients are made by the hospital
Persons needing only supervision and rest in homes not providing
nursing care or medical treatment are admitted to homes administered
by the local health authority. Arrangements for admission are made
by the County Medical Officer, 3, 5, 7, Old Queen Street, London (Tel. No.
Trafalgar 7799).